Best experienced over a wifi connection Loading terrain data...
W / S: Forwards / BackwardsA / D: Left / RightR / F: Up / DownQ / E: Roll left / rightUp / Down: Pitch up / downLeft / Right: Yaw left / rightShift: Speed up
Take a virtual reality audio tour of the Gale Crater, including geological features and areas that appear to have been carved by flowing water. Narrated by Fred J. Calef III, a geoscientist for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory.
Headphones recommended:
Take a virtual reality audio tour of the Gale Crater. Narrated by Fred J. Calef III, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory.
Headphones recommended:
Now it's your turn to explore
Hold the phone horizontally, tilt and rotate to navigate. You may want to stand up!
Tap to start and stop movement.
Focus target on a feature label to hear audio.
Use button to start and stop tour
Press Go and place phone in virtual reality device once split screen is displayed.
W, A, S, D move forward, backwards, left and right.
Q, E keys roll left and right.
R, F keys move up and down.
Hold shift to speed up.
Click feature labels to hear audio.
About this project
Data was provided by the Mars Science Laboratory at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Height information is exaggerated from the actual scale of the crater.