High-profile speakers, including First Lady Michelle Obama, President Bill Clinton, and President Barack Obama himself, took the stage in Charlotte, N.C., to make the case for four more years of an Obama presidency.
Below are some of the most-anticipated convention speeches. Click to watch the full video.
Michelle Obama told the delegates that the presidency had not changed her husband, but it had revealed his true character. “For Barack, success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives,” she said. “I love that he has never forgotten how he started."
Senator Charles Schumer attacked Mitt Romney's tax plan, saying that it disproportionately favored wealthy Americans like Romney himself. "His new favorite tax haven is not the Caymen Islands, it's Paul Ryan's budget. Under the Ryan budget, Mitt Romney's own taxes would drop almost to zero."
Sandra Fluke became part of a national conversation after she testified before Congress about contraception, an issue she said impacts every woman. "Too many women are shut out and silenced," Fluke said. "While I'm honored to be standing at this podium, it easily could've been any one of you."