
Violence in state hospitals

The U.S. Department of Justice sued California six years ago to improve treatment at four state mental hospitals, but by two key measures, conditions worsened. Patients in three of the hospitals committed more assaults, and many patients were confined significantly longer.

Read the story: California state mental hospitals plagued by peril

Days spent in state mental hospital*
Aggressive acts by patients
Atascadero State Hospital
Metropolitan State Hospital
Napa State Hospital
Patton State Hospital

Average length of stay

Days spent in state mental hospital*

* For Atascadero State Hospital, Metropolitan State Hospital, Napa State Hospital and Patton State Hospital

Aggressive acts by patients

Atascadero State Hospital

(Percentage change from 2006)

Metropolitan State Hospital

(Percentage change from 2006)

Napa State Hospital

(Percentage change from 2006)

Patton State Hospital

(Percentage change from 2006)