
Social media videos

On Vine, Instagram and more, Creativity is cut to the quick with comedy, zippy traffic reports, sliced-up scenic vistas and even 15-second TV shows.

Auditions: “Desert Friends”
Tours: Glitterati Tours
Tours: LAhistory
Tours: Pete Halvorsen
Traffic: Ayden Mayeri
Traffic: Dan Marker-Moore
Animation: Ian Padgham
Animation: Friends in Faux

Auditions: Curtis Lepore

Local Vine star Curtis Lepore has 2.6 million followers for his mini-comedy sketches, plus accounts for his dog and his praying mantis.

Auditions: “Desert Friends”

“Desert Friends,” billed as “the world’s first Instagram TV show,” plays out in 15-second episodes, a couple of which are vaguely amusing. Perhaps the world’s second, third and fourth Instagram TV shows will get better.

Tours: Glitterati Tours

Go on a six-second trip on Fairfax with @GlitteratiTours …

Tours: LAhistory

… or enjoy a ride on the Bonaventure elevator with @LAhistory.

Tours: Pete Halvorsen

Pete Halvorsen’s videos, many of which feature glamour shots of the Manhattan Beach Pier, are like moving photographs set to music.

Traffic: Ayden Mayeri

It’s L.A., so of course people are Vine-ing and driving: aspiring actress Ayden Mayeri does most of her Vines from her car.

Traffic: Dan Marker-Moore

Photographer Dan Marker-Moore’s time-lapse Instagram videos make even traffic jams look like beautiful, hypnotic dreamscapes.

Animation: Ian Padgham

Stop-motion animators took to Vine like fish to water, with often enchanting results like Ian Padgham’s “Woodman” Vines starring a wooden artist’s model.

Animation: Friends in Faux

Before Instagram even released its video feature, animation team Friends in Faux stitched about 1,600 individual Instagram photos into a gleeful 2:51 short about animators toying with a beachgoer.