Culture Monster
Meeting of the Twains

Year first played Twain:
Number of Twain performances:
Approach to Twain:
Other historical roles:
Next movie:
Hal Holbrook
Val Kilmer
South Weymouth, Mass.
Los Angeles
1954 (as a solo performer)
2,241 and counting
Fewer than 10
The actor takes excerpts of Twain’s writings and edits them together to form a comic monologue.
The actor combines his own writing with snippets from Twain’s published work to form a stream-of-consciousness reverie that Twain delivers from the great beyond.
Abraham Lincoln, “Lincoln” and “North and South” (both TV miniseries); Deep Throat, “All the President’s Men”; John Adams, “George Washington” (TV miniseries)
Jim Morrison, “The Doors”; Doc Holliday, “Tombstone”; Willem de Kooning, “Pollock”; Moses, “The Prince of Egypt” and “The Ten Commandments: The Musical”
“Lincoln,” directed by Steven Spielberg
“Twixt,” directed by Francis Ford Coppola