The line that help didn’t cross

    Los Angeles Fire De­part­ment dis­patch­ers rarely call for help from the neigh­bor­ing L.A. County Fire De­part­ment, even when county res­cuers are closer in time-sens­it­ive med­ic­al emer­gen­cies, ac­cord­ing to a Times ana­lys­is. In the case of Steph­anie Hooks, three county sta­tions were closer than the LAFD fire­houses that sent help. Step through her story below. Read more »

    Alvin Hooks calls 911

    Just be­fore 5 a.m. on Feb. 21, 2009, Alv­in Hooks woke to find his wife, Stephanie, strug­gling to breathe in the liv­ing room of their South L.A. home. He dialed 911 to ask for help.

    She would soon go in­to car­di­ac ar­rest, in which the heart sud­denly stops beat­ing. When that hap­pens, sec­onds can can mean the dif­fer­ence be­tween life and death.

    Help wasn't far

    Three county fire sta­tions were with­in one to two miles of the Hooks’ home.

    Res­cuers at two of the fire­houses were idle, wait­ing to be sent to an emer­gency, ac­cord­ing to county dis­patch re­cords.

    But they didn't come

    Be­cause the Hooks’ block is with­in L.A. city lim­its, med­ic­al emer­gen­cies are handled by LAFD, not the county agency.

    LAFD dis­patch­ers have the abil­ity to send in help from the county, but rarely do so, ac­cord­ing to a Times ana­lys­is of the county's dis­patch data­base.

    LAFD was farther away

    LAFD dis­patched help from its two nearest fire sta­tions, which are nearly twice as far as the county fire­houses.

    It would take more than 10 min­utes be­fore LAFD para­med­ics ar­rived at the scene.

    Stephanie Hooks was rushed to Cent­inela Hos­pit­al in Ingle­wood, where she later died.

    Hooks home

    Century Boulevard

    County Station #14

    County Station #170

    County Station #173

    Hooks home

    1.5 miles

    Los Angeles

    city limits

    County Station #14

    County Station #170

    County Station #173

    Hooks home

    LAFD Station #57

    LAFD Station #64

    3 miles

    Sources: Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles Fire Department, Times research
    Credits: Thomas Suh Lauder, Robert J. Lopez, Kate Linthicum, Ben Welsh

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