L.A. City's expanding bikeways

In the past decade Los Angeles has added hundreds of miles of paths, lanes and marked routes for bicycles. That's still only a fraction of the nearly 1,700 miles proposed in the 2010 bike plan. But the city has no comprehensive way to measure the impact of its bike plan, leaving the job of counting trips to volunteers.

Read the story: Getting a firm grasp on L.A.'s bicycling data

Bicyclist counts per hour

More than 200


A paved, off-street route completely separated from motor vehicle traffic.


A stripe painted on the road dividing bicycle and motor vehicle traffic.

Route or sharrowed route

A street posted with signs and usually painted lane markings indicating that bicycles and motorists share the traffic lane.

For data analysis purposes, bike routes and sharrowed bike streets are considered as the same.

Sources: UCLA/Metro/SCAG Bike Count Data Clearinghouse

Credits: Courtney Lee, Armand Emamdjomeh and Doug Smith

L.A. City's expanding bikeways