Since 1905, aqueduct makes headlines

The plan was to build an aqueduct -- at a cost of $23 million in 1905 dollars -- to bring water over 200 miles into the city and fuel its incredible growth. The aqueduct opened, on time and under budget, in November 1913 to great fanfare. But the project was not without controversy -- in California, nothing having to do with water can be. The aqueduct was bombed multiple times in the 1920s and again in 1976. Today the DWP comes in for criticism because of the environmental effects of moving so much water.

These archival pages from The Times' coverage of the aqueduct explore and illuminate the region's history with water -- and a different era of newspapering.

Full story: ‘There it is — take it’: A century of marvel and controversy

July 29, 1905
Sources: Los Angeles Times archives
Credits: Evan Wagstaff, Ben Welsh

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