Which schools lose in the lottery?

Which schools lose in the lottery?

California distributes a portion of lottery revenues to fund education, giving each school district about $163 for each student enrolled.

But because low-income areas sell the most lottery tickets, nonprofit group EdBuild argues that a fairer system would distribute the money in proportion to ticket sales.

This map shows the difference between what school districts get now and what they would get under an adjusted formula. The darker orange districts stand to gain the most.

Read more: The problem with your lottery tickets and school funding

Difference per pupil

School districts that presently receive less than they would under a sales-adjusted funding scheme are orange. School districts that receive more are green.

$350 less
$200 more

Note: Because some California school districts overlap, elementary and charter school allocations were merged into their overlapping districts.

Source: EdBuild

Median Income
Lottery sales
Current allocation per pupil
EdBuild-proposed allocation per pupil
Difference per pupil

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Funding difference per pupil: