The notes Gen. Eisenhower prepared for D-day, win or lose

By Maloy Moore, Ben Welsh contact the reporters

Order of the Day

On the morn­ing of June 6, 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eis­en­hower’s state­ment to the troops of the Al­lied Ex­ped­i­tion­ary Forces was is­sued. His words of en­cour­age­ment were writ­ten in hopes that the in­va­sion of France would bring a quick end to the war in Europe.

Order of the Day
Order of the Day

In Case of Failure Message

On June 5, 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eis­en­hower wrote this mes­sage that was to be used if the Al­lied in­va­sion of France failed. Eisenhower, who penned this message the night before the invasion, mistakenly dated it July 5 instead of June 5.

In Case of Failure Message
In Case of Failure Message

Sources: Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum